Special Session: Mobile wind energy policies – the formation of wind energy policies
WINDPLAN researchers organized a special session at this years NGM conference in Trondheim and presented three conference papers
Special session theme:
Global climate change has altered policy agendas on both the local, national and international scale. Energy policies are increasingly linked and adjusted to national climate mitigation strategies. If wind power development is thought to contribute to climate emission reductions and energy transitions, there is a need to understand why renewable energy ideals meet local opposition. This entails an exploration of the forces, factors and linkages at play between policy frameworks and local community perceptions of renewable energy transitions.
Policies are mobile, and it is of crucial importance to differentiate between the global form of mobile policy discourses constructed and maintained by travelling technocrats and politicians, and the situated and re-constructed policies in regions and municipalities in order to understand how wind energy policies are formed and performed at different scales.
This necessitates a critical examination of who and what underlying interests and values shape national policy understandings of what wind power development is answering to, and who are considered the relevant public participants (and beneficiaries) in wind power planning, and how democratic participatory processes and spaces are formed and played out in wind power planning.
For this session we invite presentations of papers that discuss and question the construction of national, regional and local wind energy policies as mobile policies. We especially welcome papers that critically discuss the policy premises and institutional structures of wind power planning, and how such premises and structures travel, influence and contribute to local and regional governance and planning strategies.
Governing wind energy acceptance in Ireland and Denmark: A Foucauldian perspective. Geraint Ellis, Queens University Belfast, g.ellis@qub.ac.uk & David Rudolph, Technical University of Denmark, dpru@dtu.dk
Ill winds: Kernowek tales in the local and national politics of wind energy Ian Bailey (corresponding author), School of Geography, Earth and Environmental Sciences, University of Plymouth ibailey@plymouth.ac.uk & Hoayda Darkal, Department of Social Policy, Sociology and Criminology, University of Birmingham
Uneven forces of construction – assembling policies between local and national rationalities, Hans Kjetil Lysgård, Professor, Department of Global Development and Planning, University of Agder hans.k.lysgard@uia.no & Mikaela Vasstrøm, Associate professor, Department of Global Development and Planning, University of Agder Mikaela.vasstrom@uia.no
The good process – or the great illusion? A spatial perspective on public participation in rural municipal wind turbine planning, Laura Tolnov Clausen, David Rudolph and Sophie Nybor, Technical Univeristy of Denmark