Associate Professor Mikaela Vasstrøm (UiA) and Professor John-Andrew McNeish (NMBU) are offering a new PhD-course that explores the global contestation of renewable energy development.
The course runs from 7th – 11th June 2021, at the Norwegian University of Life Sciences (NMBU), Ås.
More than 40 Ph.d. candidates, coming from different parts of the world, have applied for the course. 25 of these will get the opportunity to attend, and it will be possible to take the course digitally. During the 5 days programme, the students will meet lecturers from Tohoku University, Japan, Idaho State University, USA and University of St Andrews, Scotland – as well as several Norwegian universities and organisations.
Other members of the Windplan team that will be guest lecturing are Ph.D Magnus Skålhegg and Laura Tolnov Clausen (UiA).
The course will go into the depth of the dynamics of the new “green” conflicts surrounding renewable energy development, the physical impacts of renewable energy projects, and the competing discourses and practices expressed in these contexts. The course explores and contrasts the common experiences of renewable development with a focus on empirical cases in Scandinavia, Africa and Latin America.